Yuheng Zhao

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PhD candidate.
Address: 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, China


Research Area

My main focus is on intelligent data analysis interfaces, serving as a bridge between human analysts and AI agents across diverse domains problems. I combine methods of Visualization, Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction to build versatile and intelligent data analysis workflow and interfaces.


2021–2022 Fudan University Shanghai, China
Research Assistant, FDUVIS Lab

Mentor: Siming Chen
Under the guidance of Prof. Siming Chen, we proposed the text visual analysis method, ContextWing, to support public opinion analysis in different social media scenes. [Visual Analytics, Text Data Mining]

2023 Huawei Research Shanghai, China
Research Intern

Mentor: Yu Zhang
In collaboration with Dr. Yu Zhang in Huawei, we developed LLM-enhanced visual analytics systems that adapt to multiple domain areas. [Language Models, Human-AI Collaboration, Visual Analytics, Insight Recommendation]


2022–Present Ph.D. candidate in Statistics-Machine Learning Track, Fudan University Shanghai, CN

Advised by Siming Chen.
Member of the FDUVIS Lab.

2020–2021 M.S. in Data-driven Modeling (Hornored Class), The Hong Kong University of Science AND Technology Hong Kong SAR, CN

Advised by Wong Kwok Yee Michael.
Statistics, Machine learning, Spatio-temporal Prediction, etc.

2016–2020 B.S. in Information and Computing Science (Hornored Class), HuaZhong Agricultural University Wuhan, CN

Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, Operations Research, etc.


2023 The Doctoral Scholarship of FDU - First Prize

2023 The 9th China International College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition - Gold Award

2021 IEEE VAST Challenge MC2 - Outstanding Comprehensive Solution Award

A Visualization System for Spatio-temporal Situation Awareness

2021 IEEE VAST Challenge MC3 - Award for Strong Human-in-the-Loop Analysis Methodology

Mixed-Initiative Visual Exploration of Social Media Text and Events

2021 Fudan University Doctoral Forum of Data Science - Bronze Award

2020 Outstanding Admission Scholarship of HKUST

2019 The 4th China International College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition - The Best Design Prize

Publications [Interactive Version]


Social Media Island: Interactive User Profiling and Information Diffusion Exploration with 3D Visual Metaphors
Jinjing Jiang*, Yuheng Zhao*, Jun-Hsiang Yao, Huiting Wang, Xuexi Wang, Lana Blue, Chen Guo, Xudong Li, Siming Chen. PacificVis, 2025.



2021 Autumn Data Visualization and Application Fudan University

Teaching Assitant, 80 students
Developed and presented tutorials on visual analytics tools, HTML, and D3.js. Graded assignments.


Conference Reviewer: ACM CHI 2024, IEEE PacificVis 2024, ChinaVis 2023.
Session Chair: China-R Conference (AI+VIS Session) 2023